Extreme Heat Timetable for 22/02/2025
Due to the forecast temperature, we are expecting to run a Extreme Heat timetable on the Geelong(36 degrees), Warrnambool(36 degrees), Ballarat, Ararat, Horsham, MaryboroughSeymour & Shepparton lines.

Customer complaints

All feedback is logged and given a unique reference number that you can quote at any time when making further enquiries.

Customers will be informed of the complaint reference number as well as how long they should expect to wait for a response.

In accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000 any personal information collected when a complaint is logged is confidential and will only be used to help resolve that complaint.

How do I complain?

Complaints handling procedure

Not satisfied with our response?

If you’re not satisfied with our response or how your feedback was handled, you can escalate your feedback to the Public Transport Ombudsman (PTO).